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Drupal 7 Module Development
Create your own Drupal 7 modules from scratch
Matt Butcher
Greg Dunlap
Matt Farina
Larry Garfield
Ken Rickard
John Albin Wilkins
Drupal 7 Module Development
Copyright © 2010 Packt Publishing
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First published: December 2010
Production Reference: 1301110
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
32 Lincoln Road
Birmingham, B27 6PA, UK.
ISBN 978-1-849511-16-2
Cover Image by Vinayak Chittar (
Matt Butcher
Editorial Team Leader
Akshara Aware
Greg Dunlap
Matt Farina
Project Team Leader
Priya Mukherji
Larry Garfield
Ken Rickard
John Albin Wilkins
Project Coordinator
Srimoyee Ghoshal
Davy Van Den Bremt
Aaron Nash
Dave Myburgh
Jojodae Ganesh Sivaji
Tejal Daruwale
Acquisition Editor
Sarah Cullington
Hemangini Bari
Development Editors
Mayuri Kokate
Nilesh R. Mohite
Susmita Panda
Production Coordinator
Aparna Bhagat
Technical Editors
Vanjeet D'souza
Cover Work
Aparna Bhagat
Harshit Shah
Copy Editor
Neha Shetty
Drupal has its roots in the humble hobby project of Dries Buytaert, Drupal project
lead, then a university student. He originally created a small news site and
web board so that he and his friends could stay in touch. When it was time for
graduation, this small script was put on the public web, and a small but vibrant
community of developers, hackers, tinkerers, and innovators started to gather there.
The script powering the website was open sourced as "Drupal" in January, 2001, and
attracted attention due to its extensibility and modular architecture.
Since then, both the Drupal project and its community have exploded in growth.
The community now consists of over 700,000 people all over the world. Drupal also
now powers over 1% of the web, including the websites of household names such as
My current position in the Drupal community is that of the Release Manager for the
latest release of Drupal, version 7. Dries Buytaert and I work together with the core
contributor team to help prioritize initiatives, encourage people attacking similar
problems to work together, act as inal quality assurance reviewers on patches, and
ultimately commit changes to the project once they're ready.
Drupal 7 represents a tremendous leap forward from previous releases. The core
contributor team together took a very serious look at Drupal's limitations, from
almost all angles. Usability testing research was done at several universities,
highlighting long-standing problems with Drupal's user interface, and a usability
team emerged to tackle the problems. Engineers collaborated together to identify
and dissect severe API limitations that had plagued previous releases. The quality
assurance team put tremendous efforts behind integrating automated testing into
our development worklow, vastly improving our ability to refactor parts of the
system. Drupal's designer community stepped up and became vocal about Drupal's
limitations on the theming side that cause them to go locking to other frameworks.
An accessibility team emerged, not only pushing patches forward to improve
Drupal's WCAG compliance, but also educating the members of the community
about accessibility. Drupal 7 is a remarkable release for a number of reasons, but
particularly for the diversity of the team involved in creating it.
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