Drive.2011.720p.BrRip.x264.YIFY, Best Car Movies
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{1}{1}23.976{2399}{2494} - nowa jakoœæ napisów.|Napisy zosta³y specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.{2496}{2539}Ogl¹daj legalnie, polecaj i zarabiaj –{2543}{2598}<i>There's a hundred thousand streets in the city. </i>{2641}{2722}<i>You dont need to know the route.|You give me a time and a place.</i>{2722}{2878}<i>I give you a five-minute window,|anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours...</i>{2903}{2927}<i>No matter what.</i>{2957}{3047}<i>Anything happens in either side of that,|then you are on your own.</i>{3090}{3119}<i>Do you understand?</i>{3209}{3234}<i>Good.</i>{3311}{3362}<i>And you won't be able to reach me on this phone again.</i>{4160}{4191}Hey, there you are!{4219}{4247}She's down there.{4273}{4320}Plain Jane boring, just like you asked for.{4331}{4408}But, I dropped in 300 horses on the inside,|She's gonna fly.{4451}{4482}You look like a zombie kid.|You get any sleep?{4547}{4620}Can I offer you some Benzadrine,|Dextradine, Caffeine...Nicotine ???{4620}{4708}Oh you don't smoke, that's right.|You're better off.{4751}{4783}There she is!{4824}{4907}'Chevy Impala'|most popular car in the state of California.{4945}{4988}No one will be looking at you.{7039}{7109}<i>Police P.A: All units be advised,|possible 731 in progress.</i>{7167}{7244}<i>10:10 shots fired at 421 South Alemida.</i>{7673}{7709}<i>Car 52 what's you twenty?</i>{7763}{7868}<i>Car 52 to dispatch, currently at ten pager on 7th,|ETA approximately one minute.</i>{8538}{8610}<i>All unit be advised,|possible vehicle in question;</i>{8610}{8634}<i>late model, silver impala.</i>{19519}{19562}- Which floor?|- 4th please.{20808}{20842}Director wants to see a rollover.{20843}{20872}You okay with that?{20887}{20966}Remember, If you don't feel good;|just abort the shot.{20966}{20990}There's no shame in that,|Alright?{20990}{21082}You're doubling for the star.|It's not like you are A player or anything.{21082}{21145}And I got you $500 more. Huh?{21169}{21193}Of course we split that.{21208}{21246}You okay? Ready to go?{21247}{21286}Alright, I'm counting on you.{22236}{22270}Oh Kid!|That's fantastic.{22270}{22294}Just fantastic!{22294}{22351}Okay, How're you doing?{22358}{22427}Are you alright?|Good, that was perfect.{25297}{25322}Where should I put these?{25322}{25367}In the kitchen.|Thank you.{25729}{25755}Scary.{25850}{25887}Hey, You want a tooth-pick?|- Sure.{26061}{26086}You want a glass of water?{26107}{26133}Okay.{26388}{26418}Thanks.{26522}{26549}So, did you just moved to L.A?{26609}{26652}No, I've been here for a while.{26682}{26727}You are just new here?|- Mmhmm.{26886}{26922}That's Benicio's father.{26979}{27010}Where is he?{27040}{27073}He's in prison.{27155}{27178}What do you do?{27247}{27273}I drive.{27336}{27372}Like a limo driver?{27403}{27434}No, like for movies.{27515}{27557}Doing all those car chases and stuff?{27586}{27611}Yeah.{27611}{27635}Isn't that dangerous?{27898}{27933}It's only part time.{27969}{28028}Mostly I work at the garage.|- Where?{28028}{28091}Receda Boulevard.{28303}{28330}I gotta go.{28384}{28413}Well, thank you.{28472}{28498}Thanks for the water.{28519}{28548}Say bye.|Bye.{29535}{29629}Chicken Chowmein?|And, some peking duck.{29636}{29667}Where are the chopsticks?{29703}{29803}- Uh ...the guy|- Go get 'em. I don't want that.{29848}{29885}Chopsticks and a fortune cookie.{29885}{29953}Put out the fucking cigrette,|I'm eating.{29980}{30038}Sorry.|- What's the matter with you?{30153}{30233}You run a perfectly good business.|I don't know, why you wanna change that.{30253}{30304}You know how much|my business made last year?{30304}{30328}30 grand.{30360}{30471}I can build a car in six months|and in six seconds these jerks write it off as a stunt{30472}{30515}that won't even make it to the movie.{30547}{30611}See, all i need is a hard used start car.{30634}{30657}that's all.{30657}{30755}I figure we start off small town circuit;|we work our way up.{30755}{30821}Once we get to the show,|we are talking millions.{30982}{31016}So, you still haven't give me your number.{31046}{31122}Alright, Four hundred thirty thousand dollars.{31122}{31146}Oh...!{31146}{31272}Mr.Ross, I wouldn't come to you with this.|Unless, I'm absolutely sure about it !{31273}{31324}How can you be sure, Shannon.{31325}{31391}What do you got that|the professional race team don't?{31456}{31497}I got a driver.{31498}{31557}You just told me there're half a dozen drivers.{31557}{31581}Not like this one.{31608}{31641}This kid is special.{31642}{31712}Been working with him for a while,|I've never seen anybody like it.{31712}{31787}If I had the money,|I'd back him myself.{31787}{31811}Yeah, but you don't have the money.{31865}{31951}Mr.Ross,|You put this kid behind the wheel...{31951}{31975}there's nothing he cannot do.{32108}{32153}What are you doing eating|chink food in my fucking restaurant?{32153}{32221}What's a Jew doing running a pizzaria?{32221}{32245}You remember Shannon?{32354}{32382}Take a fucking hike.{32383}{32419}I wanna talk to my partner.{32495}{32530}Hah, I'm just fucking with you.{32563}{32601}How're you doing Shannon.|How's the fucking leg?{32655}{32691}I've paid my debt.{32691}{32779}I'll think about it. Okay?{32780}{32823}But I wanna meet the kid first.{32823}{32871}That's all I ask.{33153}{33191}Come on, I want you to meet somebody.{33191}{33269}Whatever you do like about the car,|don't say anything.{33270}{33308}I want to drive the price down a little bit.{33308}{33374}Kid, I want you to meet Mr.Bernie Ross.{33411}{33438}Nice to meet you.{33576}{33608}My hands are a little dirty.{33648}{33683}So are mine.{33788}{33861}Good driving out there.|- Thanks.{33973}{34002}So? What do you think?{34002}{34030}Do we get the 400?{34073}{34131}I'll give you 300 for 70 percent.{34199}{34235}Done!{34357}{34393}You won't be sorry!!{34821}{34873}Hey pal, just drop it down here.|We're pushing it alright.{34874}{34943}We wanna push her into number three.{34944}{34997}The car. Not you.|- Oh good.{34997}{35056}Hi...|- Hi.{35106}{35155}Uhh...You two know each other?|- Don't.{35156}{35204}Oh look at that.{35204}{35228}We're neighbours.|- Neihhbours, very good.{35228}{35304}Well, we'll try to be neighbourly too.{35802}{35830}You blinked.{35850}{35877}What?{35901}{35940}Can I call a cab from here.|- Yeah, sure.{35989}{36019}What am I talking 'bout.{36019}{36100}You and the kid are neighbours, right.|He can take you.{36100}{36149}Oh no.|I feel bad.{36174}{36234}No, no...Don't even think twice about it.|He'll be happy to do it.{36234}{36258}He's a good guy.{36315}{36384}You know, he walked into my shop here|about five or six years ago...{36384}{36463}right out of the blue,|asking for a job.{36463}{36536}So, I put him to the test,|to see what he could do.{36571}{36603}The kid is amazing.{36603}{36672}So, I hired him on the spot.|Boom!{36672}{36781}At about half the wages i normally pay.|He didn't even blink an eye.{36781}{36856}Hey kid,|come over here for a second,will you?{36882}{36948}And I have been exploiting him ever since.{37007}{37037}Don't tell him.{37037}{37119}Looks like we've bigger problem|than I thought.{37119}{37194}We're gonna have to keep|the car here for a few days.{37194}{37292}So, I offered your services to take,|Benicio and Irene home.{37292}{37316}Would that be okay?{37406}{37446}Yeah sure.{37506}{37576}I don't have wheels...|in my car.{37613}{37653}It's one think you should know about me.{37653}{37677}Well put the tyres on.{37677}{37737}You got about five minutes?|- Yeah.{38293}{38335}Hey, do you wanna see something?{38419}{38454}Yeah.{38523}{38551}Okay.{41315}{41397}You did good.|We had a good time.{41611}{41666}Me too.{41811}{41870}Sorry, if I put you on the spot or anything.{41871}{41908}It's okay.{42484}{42523}I'm not doing anything this weekend.{42657}{42710}If you wanna go out or something.{44984}{45091}Don't worry about these bumps and bruises.|Thats easily replaceable.{45091}{45153}We coat a paint on there with sponsors detail.{45153}{45213}Look at the thread on the tyre,|still good huh, we are in business.{45271}{45333}You paid 300 fucking grand for this piece of shit?{45333}{45371}I paid for it.{45371}{45422}Out of my own pocket.{45422}{45446}This is just the shell.{45446}{45513}It's the inside that counts.|Not the outside.{45514}{45540}Right, Shannon?{45541}{45566}You are correct sir.{45566}{45638}Fuck that shit. If I paid 300 for something.|I want everybody to see it.{45638}{45662}Of course you do.{45662}{45715}Now this.{45739}{45829}That is one motherfucking fine ass pussy mobile,|motherfucker!{45851}{45880}Damn!{45881}{45930}Shannon, sell him that car.{45930}{46011}He won't be able to find a pussy|in a whorehouse.{46011}{46106}You know what?|This car will make you even good looking.{46157}{46181}How's it going?{46269}{46304}When's our first race?{46365}{46392}uhh, pretty soon.{46427}{46458}You gonna be ready?{46508}{46541}I hope so.{46541}{46565}huh...I hope so.{46565}{46658}Hey no false modesty.|I got a lot of money on this.{46714}{46756}Did Shannon ever tell you how we met?{46836}{46877}I used to produce movies.{46877}{46901}In the 80's.{46901}{46997}Kinda like action films and sexy stuff.{46997}{47021}One critic called them 'European'.{47021}{47092}I thought they were shit.{47104}{471...
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