Dragons Gate Fules, MageKnight

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Mage Knight

Additional Special Abilities
Mage Knight
[Orange Circle]
This warrior
must be given an action i rst.
This warrior may not be a part of any formation. At
the beginning of your turn, all warriors with zero or
one action tokens that have Frenzy must be given a
nonpass action before you can give actions to i gures
that do not have Frenzy. If you have more warriors
with Frenzy than you have actions, you may choose
which warriors with Frenzy will be given an action. A
warrior with Frenzy cannot capture other i gures or
be captured. If this warrior already controls a captive,
the captive is no longer a captive.
Mage Knight Dungeons
[Orange Circle]
This warrior
must be given an activation i rst.
If a Hero, this warrior must be given an activation
before any other i gure without Frenzy. If a Mage
Spawn without a movement marker, this warrior
must be given an activation before any other Mage
Spawn without Frenzy.
Mage Knight
[Gray Circle]
This warrior
can bring one of your eliminated Mage
Spawn i gures back into play. (Optional)
Give this warrior a move action, but do not move
it. It may not be in base contact with an opposing
i gure. Choose one of your eliminated Mage
Spawn i gures with a point value no greater than
this warrior’s point value. Turn the chosen i gure’s
combat dial to the starting position and place it in
base contact with this warrior.
Mage Knight Dungeons
[Gray Circle]
This warrior
can bring a Mage Spawn i gure into
play. (Optional)
Give this warrior an activation. It has 0 speed points
for the turn and may not make an attack. Choose
a Mage Spawn i gure with the lowest point value
from the Mage Spawn pool. Turn the chosen i gure’s
combat dial to the starting position and place it
adjacent to this warrior. A i gure summoned by a
Mage Spawn is considered a Mage Spawn. A i gure
summoned by a Hero is considered part of the Hero’s
Heroic team and is no longer considered a Mage
Spawn. This warrior may not summon another i gure
until the chosen i gure has been returned to the
Mage Spawn pool. The addition of the chosen i gure
does not give its player any additional activations for
his or her Heroic team.
Mage Knight
[Orange Circle]
This warrior takes
additional damage from magic effects.
If an action would cause this warrior to be affected
by one or more special abilities with the word
“Magic” in the name, it receives 1 click of damage
after the action is resolved.
shapechanging Mage Spawn only appear to be
treasure chests, even mimicking traps. This new
type of Mage Spawn is called a Changeling, and it
follows all the normal rules for Mage Spawn, except
for those outlined below.
These Changelings are added to the Treasure pool
(Step 3 of setup), not to the Mage Spawn pool.
Place them in the dungeon as you would place
regular treasure chests.
Changelings have the same trap information that
normal treasure chests have, and are encountered
exactly as treasure chests are. Once the “trap” is
either disarmed or triggered, and speed points are
used to open the chest and collect the treasure, the
monster is “revealed.”
Inside, the stats are standard Mage Spawn stats,
rather than treasure chest stats.
Mage Knight Dungeons
[Orange Circle]
This warrior takes
additional damage from magic effects.
If an activation would cause this warrior to be
affected by one or more special abilities with the
word “Magic” in the name, it receives 1 click of
damage after the action is resolved.
Mage Knight
[Gray Circle]
non-Hero warriors may not be able
to enter into base contact with this
warrior. (Optional)
Whenever an opposing player gives a move action
to a non-Hero i gure that would put it in base
contact with this warrior, that player rolls 1 six-
sided die. On a result of 1 or 2, the i gure may not
move into base contact with this warrior this turn.
This warrior is not affected by Terrify.
Once the Changeling is revealed, ensure that its
dial is at its starting position. On the sticker, to the
left of the speed value, is either an arrow, a skull, or
a green square. The starting position is the green
square. Turn the treasure spindle until the green
square appears. The arrow indicates that you’re not
at the beginning of the dial and directs you to the
starting slot.
After turning the Changeling’s spindle to its starting
position, place it back in the square it was lifted
from, in the same direction it was facing before.
The Changeling can attack or counterattack per the
standard rules for Mage Spawn.
Mage Knight Dungeons
[Gray Circle]
warriors may not be able to move
adjacent to this warrior. (Optional)
Whenever an opposing player attempts to move a
i gure adjacent to this warrior, that player rolls 1
six-sided die. On a result of 1 or 2, the i gure may
not move adjacent to this warrior this turn. This
warrior is not affected by Terrify.
Changeling Mage Spawn
Two i gures in the
Mage Knight

Dragon’s Gate
set look like
Dragon’s Gate
set look like
Dragon’s Gate
treasure chests, but they’re anything but. These
Changelings each have a standard front and rear
arc (three squares). They use all special abilities
per the normal rules. The only exception is ranged
combat. Changelings use the rules for an R-based
(range-based) attack per the
Mage Knight
rules. Also, they can make this ranged
attack even if an opposing character is in their front
arc. If a Changeling takes damage, turn the spindle
in the direction the arrows indicate (just like clicking
a base). Once all skulls appear, the Changeling is
eliminated and should be removed from play.
The Heroic team that defeats the Changeling
gains experience per the normal
Mage Knight
Once removed from play, a Changeling is placed in
the Mage Spawn pool and can be placed as a Mage
Spawn as the game continues. Note: A Changeling
does not appear until its trap is successfully
disarmed or triggered—until then, the monster
cannot be targeted as a Mage Spawn.
Reglas de
Reglas de
Mage Knight Dungeons
Mage Knight Dungeons
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