Dream A Little Dream (Inc Outtake) by the.littlest.ingenue COMPLETE, FF(zachomikowany folder), FF(zachomikowany ...
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Fanfiction Based On Characters From Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Series
Rated M for Mature Content
Dream A Little Dream
By the.littlest.ingenue
All Human. Lots of fluff: What if the man of your dreams wasn't
a dream at all? What if he was closer than you think? M for language and
implied stuff. No angst, I promise.
Chapter One
There is a day in January called St. Agnes Day.
In medieval folklore, it was believed that on this day, fair maidens were granted
visions of their future husbands.
We now know this to be an old wives' tale; a remembrance of a time when people
had an innocence that has been lost nowadays.
Things like that just didn't happen anymore.
Or did they?
Chapter Two
Bella Swan had gotten everything she thought she'd always wanted.
A scholarship to university: check.
A place in a prestigious English course: check.
Had sex with someone she thought was hot: check.
But she wasn't happy.
It wasn't any one thing that made her unhappy. Was unhappy even the right
word? It was an unsettling, hollow feeling that she constantly felt.
It wasn't that she felt like an outsider or that she was the victim of an unrequited
She just knew there was something missing.
Another day, another lecture and her heart sat somewhere else, somewhere –
Well, that was the problem wasn't it?
She didn't know where it was or even if it was her heart that was missing.
"Bella, guess what?"
Angela Weber was Bella's best friend, and had been since she had started at Forks
High School way back when. The minister's quiet daughter and the shy bookworm
– it was a friendship made of clichés and boring Saturday nights at home
watching TV.
"Uh, you're mad and I'm not."
"Bella, we're grownups now. We speak like grownups."
"Okay, sorry. I don't know Angela, what happened?"
"Have you ever heard of St. Agnes Eve?"
"The poem?"
"The poem,
The Eve of St. Agnes
by John Keats?"
"No. What? No. I mean the St Agnes Eve ritual, where you get to see your future
husband. Jessica told me she did it and it totally worked."
"Jessica also said you couldn't get pregnant if the guy pulled out before he came."
"Bellaaa –"
"Angelaaa –"
"Look, Jessica said she did it and she saw this guy who was tall, dark and
handsome and Mike is totally pissed off now. But Jessica says she doesn't care
because he is only a placeholder anyway –"
"Ange, no offense intended, but what the fuck has this got to do with me?"
Angela smiled then and it chilled Bella to the core.
"Well, I think… we should do it."
"Are you on crack?"
"We're both single, we've got our whole lives ahead of us – what's to lose?"
Bella knew she wasn't going to do this. It would be a waste of time and she had
better things to do.
No less than two weeks later, it came to pass that Bella Swan was sitting in her
backyard, looking up at the night sky and getting ready to chant to see her future
"This is even stupider than the time you made me wear those crotchless panties
on my date with Tyler."
"That was a great idea; easy access."
"Yeah, if he could've found the hole it would've been amazing."
Angela laughed loud and long.
"Ange, you're drunk."
"So are you, Bellsy. You never talk about sex unless you are."
"Bellsy? Jesus Ange, lay off the sauce. So, how do we do this?"
"Okay, so first we chant and then we eat an egg. After that we walk backwards into
our beds and voila!"
"You so owe me."
"Just wait, Bella Swan. When you see your future husband, you'll owe me. Are you
"Yeah, I suppose, you know, considering this is just a pile of horse shit."
"Bella, gimme your hand, we'll do this together. On three. Okay, one, two, three."
Bella closed her eyes and chanted along with Angela:
Now good St. Agnes, play thy part,
And sent to me my own sweetheart,
And shew me such a happy bliss,
This night of him to have a kiss.
Her words were slurred and St. Agnes probably couldn't understand a word of
what she said.
It wouldn't matter, it was bullshit anyway.
She was at a wedding, and she had no fucking idea who these people were.
Great, fucking Angela's crazy plan had ended up with her in some bizarro
universe attending the wedding of two strangers she couldn't give a fuck about.
Tomorrow, she would stop drinking.
She'd also stop talking to Angela.
As she watched the happy couple dancing, she felt a pair of arms wrap around
her waist and someone nuzzle into her neck.
Do you regret that we didn't have that?"
Unconsciously, she placed her hand on top of his – not to remove his from where
it lay upon her stomach, but just to touch him. On his left hand he wore a simple
gold band, and so did she.
Will ya look at that, we're the Bobbsey twins."
Baby, I'm definitely not your brother, and if I am, that would make what we did
last night and three times this morning gross and wrong."
And probably illegal."
She looked up at him and was momentarily breathless.
She didn't know this man, but she
this man.
In every different life, in every different universe, her heart would remember
See something you like, baby?"
She did indeed. He was built like a basketball player, tall and lanky and just
right. His green eyes sat in a face made up of a chiseled jaw, a straight nose and
pouty lips.
His hair was the color of a dirty penny.
He was breathtaking and he was hers. She kissed him just because she could.
Yeah, I think I do."
He kissed her temple and hugged her close.
I should've waited and given you something like this. A wedding we could be
proud of. Instead, I dragged you off to Vegas a month after we met –"
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