Drakan - Order of the Flame (kody), Poradniki do gier
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Drakan: Order of the FlamePress "T" key for console, top left corner of the screen, then enter either code depending on how good you think you are:sanctuary God Modesmeghead Health potion refillsPress \ to display the talk feature, then type the following and press Enter to activate.iamgod God Modesmoghead Full healthdebug off Disable debug modedebug on Enable debug modeiamgoddess God mode in last stagegiants Kill nearby enemiesactive drop Land with flight modeall weapons List weapon names in debug modegimme **** Obtain indicated itemfoghack Remove fogswitch Switch view to nearest enemyenabled fly Toggle flight modeopensezme Unlock doorsDeveloper mode:Hold down Shift while starting the game. Go to the "Developer Mode" tab and select the options you want. For other cheats, select the "Enable Developer Mode" box. Now during play, press \ to display the talk feature. One new cheat that Developer Mode allows you to do is gimme XXXX. Ex: Hit the talk key, then type gimme (see below):health elixirpotion of lifegreat swordbattle axebattle hammeraltir's macesword of flameice hammersword of icelightning axelong swordmacemithril great swordmithril axeboomerangfire boomerangmithril hammermithril long swordmithril macemagic scimitarmagic short swordscimitarshort swordspeed scimitarv mourn bringerpotion of invisibilitypotion of invulnerabilityflaming swordlong bowarrowslightning crystalfire crystalice crystalleatherplate mailbanded maildragon armorrift crystalrunebladebell hammer of alwarrenrune cage keyscale mailchain mailtunnel entrance keycrusher room keyhouse keystudded leatherstorage runeelemental amuletflaming arrowspoison arrowsexplosive arrowsenergy bowenergy arrow quiverenergy bow keygoblin access keymithril throwing axeice arrowsmithril throwing hammerjail keydark scimitarmagic arrowspotion of invulnerability bronzepotion of invulnerability goldpotion of invulnerability darkheavy bowspeed bowheron's crystaltuiri's soul crystaldragon armor runelava runesuccubus mirrormystic keyatimar's bladedead man's keyrune of stonegrungle's hammer
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