Dragon #377, MAGAZINES, Dragon Magazine

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ISSUE 377 | JUly 2009
F e at u r e s
Player’s Handbook 3
Debu t: the Psion
By Bruce R. Cordell
Featuring commentary from the staff that worked on the new
psion class, this article supports the psion class debut in the
Character Builder and D&D Compendium.
t u ’nar ath , Cit y oF De ath
By Robert J. Schwalb
The githyanki city has been profiled before, but visit it for the
first time in 4th Edition. This article supports the Scales of War
Adventure Path in
Fa miliar s oF eber ron
By Jennifer Clarke Wilkes
The arcanists of
have their own unique take on familiars.
Explore new options for your artificer or other arcane character.
DisCiPles oF Venge anCe
By Robert J. Schwalb
The members of this organization seek justice in all things. This
article features new feats, magic items, and paragon paths for your
retribution specialist.
bes tiary: legenDary e Vil s
By Logan Bonner
It’s often difficult to find more ways to use those Huge
minis in your collection, but this Bestiary focuses on
providing more options for the biggest of foes.
Co l u m n s
eDi tor i a l
Cl a ss aC t s : t h e r a ng er
By Bruce R. Cordell
The ranger is one of the most popular strikers in
the game. Get some new options for your two-
weapon fighting ranger.
De s ig n & De V eloPm en t: P s ion iC s
By R&D Staff
Learn about the goals and design challenges
involved with 4th Edition’s newest power source.
De s ig n & De V eloPm en t:
Eb Er ro n
By R&D Staff
The new
Eberron Campaign Guide
is here. Get the
inside scoop on 4th Edition
Con Fe ss ion s oF a F u l l-t i m e W i z a r D
By Shelly Mazzanoble
D&D’s “Player-in-Chief ” shares more of her
wisdom and insight.
r P g a r ePort
By Chris Tulach
The Living FR campaign is in full swing. Learn
more about how to get involved!
a m Per sa n D
By Bill Slavicsek
Bill discusses more of the changes in store for
in 2009.
e x Plor e air sPur
By Matthew Sernett
Airspur, city of genasi, is one of the Forgotten Realms’
newest. Learn more about Airspur in the first of a
multi-part series on the city.
on t h e CoV er
Illustration by Cyril Van Der Haegan
Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, Forgotten Realms, Eberron,
, d20, d20 System, Wizards of the Coast, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their
respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., in the U.S.A. and other countries.
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is
prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events
is purely coincidental. Printed in the U.S.A. ©2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without written permission. For more Dungeons & Dragons articles, adventures, and information, visit www.wizards.
E D I T o R I A L
It’s good to be loved
D r a g o n
J u l y 2 0 0 9
Editor-in-Chief Chris youngs
Senior Art Director Jon Schindehette
Web Specialist Chris Sims
It’s an exciting time for
D&D Insider
. Last month,
Bill revealed that we were releasing the revenant -- a
new PC race -- in June’s issue of
. This was
our first, true
D&D Insider
exclusive. The thing is,
we didn’t really explain what “exclusive” means. In
terms of our content release plan, “exclusive” means
it won’t be appearing anywhere else.
But what does “anywhere else” mean exactly?
Sometimes, we get so excited about an announce-
ment that we just make the assumption you’re right
there with us. Allow me to clear up any confusion.
Question #1:
Does “exclusive” mean the revenant
will not appear in a future print product?
Yes, that’s correct. The revenant will only
appear as part of
D&D Insider
. We’re not planning to
pick up the mechanical elements of the race for any
print product. The
(and the
will be the only places
you’ll find this content. However, that does not mean
a print adventure might not feature a revenant vil-
lain or that a novel won’t feature a revenant character
down the line, hypothetically speaking.
Question #2:
Will content that appears as a
exclusive ever have additional support?
Yes, and support articles will likewise
be exclusive to
D&D Insider
. You won’t see revenant
feats or paragon paths, for example, appear down the
road in a print product. We already have plans in the
works for an article this fall that features new rev-
enant racial feats, and we’ll treat the revenant like any
other race in the game. As an article warrants, we’ll
provide revenants with new character options.
So we’ve covered our approach for support for the
revenant and, I hope, allayed fears about the plans
for exclusive content as a whole. But what about the
assassin? For starters, everything I said about the
revenant above is also true of new classes exclusive
D&D Insider
. Plus, we have an ambitious support
plan for the assassin. Since we know there won’t be
new assassin powers appearing in a power source
supplement or
Player’s Handbook
, we’re already plan-
ning to support September’s two complete builds
with more support just a few months after. Plus,
early next year, we plan to introduce a third assassin
build. once the assassin is out and about, we’ll also
be accepting new submissions for the class -- new
class-focused articles, new Class Acts, and so on.
Finally, we’ve noticed a number of conversations
about the necessity or value of the assassin class to
a game that already features a strong rogue option.
I’ve now seen the assassin first hand, and let me tell
you: this is no rogue. The assassin plays, looks, and
just fundamentally feels different from any other
class in the game. We try to avoid introducing a class
that steps on the toes of another or, worse, makes
a party experience untenable (assassins don’t need
to be evil). The shadow power source opens up new
play options for future design, and you’ll soon see for
yourself how the assassin taps into these concepts.
The class is inextricably linked to shadow magic. I’m
so stoked about the new class that I actually started
plotting my character’s demise, just so I could roll up
my next character: a revenant assassin.
Now that you know the shadow power source is
on its way, what other classes or races do you think
fit that concept? And what’s your vision of the per-
fect assassin?
Send your feedback to
Web Production Bart Carroll, Steve Winter
Graphic Design Keven Smith
Contributing Authors logan Bonner, Bruce R. Cordell,
Shelly Mazzanoble, Stephen
Schubert, Robert J. Schwalb,
Matthew Sernett, Bill Slavicsek,
Chris Tulach, Jennifer Clarke
Wilkes, James Wyatt
Developers Stephen Radney-MacFarland,
Peter Schaefer, Stephen Schubert,
Chris Sims, Rodney Thompson
Editors Jeremy Crawford, Miranda Horner
Cover Artist Cyril Van Der Haegen
Contributing Artists Zelda Devon & Kurt Huggins,
Empty Room Studios, Michael
Franchina, Mclean Kendree,
William Kormarck, William
O’Connor, Eric l. Williams,
Kieran yanner
Cartographers Robert lazaretti, Sean Macdonald
Web Development Mark A. Jindra
D&D Creative Manager Christopher Perkins
Executive Producer,
D&D Insider Ken Troop
Director of RPG R&D Bill Slavicsek
Special Thanks
Richard Baker, Greg Bilsland, logan Bonner, Michele Carter,
Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, Andy Collins, Bruce R. Cordell, Torah Cottrill,
Jeremy Crawford, Mike Donais, Rob Heinsoo, Peter lee,
Mike Mearls, Kim Mohan, Cal Moore, Stephen Radney-MacFarland,
Peter Schaefer, Stephen Schubert, Matthew Sernett,
Rodney Thompson, Rob Watkins, James Wyatt
Mechanical Design by Bruce R. Cordell
Commentary by Andy Collins,
Bruce R. Cordell, Mike Mearls,
and Stephen Schubert
illustrations by Cyril van der Haegan and
Christine MacTernan
Welcome to the first official debut article featuring
content drawn from
Player’s Handbook
Most of the world must wait until March 2010
to learn the secrets of the psion class. As an Insider,
however, you can start playing a psion today . . . eight
whole months before the book hits the shelves!
But we’re not stopping with a single class: over the
next several months, Insiders like you will see over
100 pages of debut content taken from
Player’s Hand-
book 3
. Next month it’s the githzerai race (including a
racial paragon path and several racial feats), and then
we’re on to more class, race, and feat debuts until Feb-
ruary of 2010.
TM & © 2009 Wizards of the Coast llC. All rights reserved.
J u l y 2 0 0 9
D r a g o n 3 7 7
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