DroneIssue12015, Drone Magazine

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//-->WIN!A PARROT BEBOP DRONE VALUED AT $799P20ISSUE 1, 2015Speed DemonsInside the fast and furiousworld of FPV racingTips &• First solo secrets• Manoeuvres to sharpen your skills• Going pro: what you need to knowTricksWhere CanYou Fly?CASA lays down the lawFLIGHT TESTS• DJI INSPIRE 1• PARROT BEBOP DRONE• YUNEEQ Q500 TYPHOON• DJI PHANTOM 3+$12.50(incl GST)PRINT POST APPROVED 1000213722015 GEAR GUIDEwhy you want them!)18 of the latest and greatest drones (...andCONTENTSIssue1, 2015WelcomeWelcome toDronemagazine,Australia’s first magazine dedicatedto drone enthusiasts.6Flying Tips: First Solo32Anatomy of a Drone8Before you fire up the motors on yourbrand new drone check out these 10handy flying tips to make sure your firstsolo doesn't end in a twisted pileof plastic!Lift up the hood on your new drone andfind out what makes it fly!Flying Tips: Drone ControlWant to sharpen your flying skills?Master these manoeuvres and you'llbe well on your way to Top Gunstatus.36Win a Drone!20Join our competitions for the chance towin a Parrot Bebop Drone and a BladeGlimpse RTF.COVERThe DJI Inspire 1 gracesthe cover of our veryfirst issue ofDronemagazine. See our fullreview of this incrediblemachine on page 60.Photo: Andy Willmott.Gifts From Above22Rules and RegsWhere Can I Fly?41A drone delivering iPhones, iPads andGoPros to Sydneysiders in need? Itsounds too good to be true but oneAussie drone operator teamed up witheBay to make it happen.Before you take to the skies, you needto know the rules of the air. We talk toPeter Gibson of CASA (Civil AviationSafety Authority) to find out what youcan and can't do.4DRONE MAGAZINE❚ISSUE 1, 2015TESTEDGear Guide10In the market for a new bit of kit? Fromlightweight indoor drones to fullyfeatured outdoor models, racing quads,and heavy-lift pro systems, here are 18of our favourites.Test PilotDJI Phantom 328The latest incarnation of DJI’s ubiquitousPhantom promises plenty, including anew indoor flight system, more powerand the option for 4K video.Privacy and the Law48Do you own the airspace above yourproperty? Is it okay to fly over yourneighbour’s backyard? Can you shootimages over a beach or public park?Find out how the law handles thesetricky issues and more.Test PilotParrot Bebop Drone44Flying Tips: Going Pro72Looking for a fun, easy-to-fly drone thatyou can fly indoors or out with yoursmartphone or tablet? Say hello to theParrot Bebop Drone.And You're Racing!52Strap on your goggles and fire up yourengines as we wave the starter's flagon the adrenaline charged sport of FPV(first person view) racing.Ready to take your love of all thingsdrone to the next level? We talk to twoinstructors to find out what's involvedin getting a Remote Pilot Certificate.Test PilotDJI Inspire 160Battery Essentials76Shooting for the Moon...and the Sun64It powers your drone and keepsit airborne. We tell you everythingyou need to know about the humblebattery.Fast, manoeuvrable and fun to fly, theInspire 1 is bursting with next-gen featureslike 4K video, ground sensors and one ofthe best pilot interfaces we’ve seen.Test PilotYuneec Q500 Typhoon68Join the set of upcoming blockbusterThe Moon and the Sun to find out howone Aussie drone company capturedthe film's stunning aerial sequences.Future Tech79What's happening in the worldof drones? We preview the latest tech.It may not be as well known as someof it’s competitors, but the TyphoonQ500 has a few neat tricks up itsproverbial sleeve.5DRONE MAGAZINE❚ISSUE 1, 2015 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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